Global expertise available locally

25i Advisors helps Canadian investors with portfolio diversification achieve attractive capital growth and income through 25 years of global investing and risk management expertise now available locally

Leading New Era in International Investing

25i Advisors helps Canadian investors diversify their portfolio by offering attractive international capital growth and income. We bring value through 25 years of global investing and risk management expertise available locally in Canada.

“Our research of both corporate fundamentals and geopolitical history helps put today’s markets in perspective. Our mission is simple: create an investment strategy that offers risk-aware international exposure to help build a diversified global portfolio”

— Adam J. Kutas, CFA
CEO of 25i Advisors

Redefining Global Investment Opportunities Beyond North America

We believe the investment opportunity set is moving beyond the definitions that defined international investing for at least the past 50 years. This change has broad implications for investors especially for opportunity horizons beyond North America. Our investment process and portfolios reflect this new (yet old) reality. Read our thoughts on a new international investment framework in our blog.

Bringing global network to Canadians

We navigate the complexities of international markets through our 25 years of research and a global network to manage risk. We have lived and worked in the US, Asia and Europe thus bringing a differentiated view and approach thus generating differentiated investment exposure for investors seeking portfolio diversification beyond North America.

We specialize in international investments focusing on both financial and geopolitical opportunities and risks, thus targeting a multi-faceted portfolio that generates attractive capital growth and income.

Building a real world-based international portfolio